Page 18 - Web Search-En-V3
P. 18

Day 1

                                                          Objectives of the training day:

By the end of the first day the trainee will be able to:
• Learn about the Internet.
• Identify web search tools.
• Identify the components of a search engine.
• Learn how the search engine works.
• Lists examples of available search engines.
• Differentiate between a web server and the web
• Defines the types of web protocols.

• Defines the URL is known as the Uniform Resource Locator
• Distinguish between the components of a URL
• Divide Internet applications and services.
• Uses methods for successful research.
• Uses search (single-word/multi-word).
• Create effective question sentences for research.
• Perform an advanced search on Google.
• Evaluate the credibility of web sources
• Add extensions to the web browser (Chrome, Firefox).
• Use international research databases
• know Google Scholar
• Lists the characteristics of Google Scholar
• Use the scientific researcher effectively.
• Activate academic mail.
• Know about the Research Gate
• Create an account on RG
• Use RG effectively and efficiently.

• Improves RG score.

11 Training unit in the field of technological information - at the Supreme Council of Universities © Intellectual property rights 2024
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