Page 51 - Database-En-V3
P. 51

In the partition table we see that the primary key is the partition code
and is not repeated:

For example, we cannot set the field “Department Name” as a primary
key because it is possible to repeat data in it because names are always
Types of keys

   • The primary key
   • Composite key
   • Foreign key
   • Alternative key

                                          Types of keys

    Alternative key         Foreign key    Composite Key:     Primary Key:
    Alternative key        Foreign key      It has the same               The field that
It is a primary key in    It is a primary  properties as the
a table (such as the     key in another    primary key, but   distinguishes a record
national number as a      table that has                       from other records. It
    non-duplicate        the same data       it consists of      consists of only one
                                              two or more
     primary key)               type                                         field and is
   It can be replaced   The value can be          fields         characterized by the
                         repeated with it
     with another                                                              following:
   alternative field,                                            *No two values in a
                                                                 primary key field are
        such as:
     Student code                                                               the same
                                                                * None of the values

                                                                           must be Null
                                                              - Preferably a number

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