Page 48 - Database-En-V3
P. 48

Field Properties:

Data type     Description

Text Letters and numbers that are not included in mathematical operations.
                     The maximum number of characters that can be stored in the field. The
                     maximum allowed is 255 characters.

AutoNumber To insert an automatic number for each record added to the table

Date/Time     For fields whose entries are dates and times

Number        Fields that will be entered into calculations Number fields, this property
              sets the type of number that will be stored (long integer, double)

Currency      Adds the currency symbol next to the number

Yes/No        It includes data that can be classified into yes, no, or true and false

Accounts      A data value after a mathematical operation has been applied to it

Lookup &      Enter a set of values and choose from them

OLE Object    It is used to store an object found in another program such as images and
              graphs and link them to the database.

Memo          Long text, about 60,000 characters

Attachment    Specify the data type for this field with attachments such as images, for

Hyperlink     Specify the data type for this field with a link to a site or program

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