Page 15 - Database-En-V3
P. 15

We note that the data in Table No. 3 was not available in its current form in Table No.
             2, even though it was extracted from it. Further, Table 4 did not previously exist in this
             form, and it is deducted and arranged according to the foreign language selection, and
             the students’ data in it are arranged in descending order according to the Language
             1course grade, plus the guardian’s phone.

             To find out how we obtained the results in Table No. 3, we will discuss the concept of
             data, information, processing, database elements, database model and database
             object, and files to clarify the definition of databases and then infer their importance
             and features.

             • Data: It is the raw for the information, that is, the description of something. For
             example, the data about students is the description that expresses who the student is
             and defines him through the name, address, phone, guardian,... and so on, as in the
             previous example.

             • Information: It is the data that has been processed and has become more
             meaningful and valuable. In the previous example, the success rate in the language
             courses was calculated according to the total grades obtained by the students in the
             language courses, then its percentage was calculated from the total final score for the
             entire courses, and then the percentage Success for a course: What is the information
             we obtained after conducting the collection process and calculating the percentage
             for each course from the total student results in the first semester courses in Table 2?
             In light of the information shown in Table 3, it became easy to make a decision about
             the school’s participation in the international language competition. To determine
             which language the school will participate in, and then to nominate the students
             participating in the competition, the process of arranging the students’ grades in
             descending order was carried out according to only one course participating in the
             competition, and Table No. 4 was obtained. Hence, we will find that Table No. 1 and
             Table No. 2 represent the abstract picture of the students and the course results for
             the first semester and the initial raw of the information that we obtained in Table No.
             3 and Table No. 4.

8 Training unit in the field of technological information - at the Supreme Council of Universities © Intellectual property rights 2024
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