Page 30 - IT-En-V3
P. 30

Second: Software components:

             We previously discussed in computer software classifications that there are
        two types of programs:

             ▪ Operating system software
                   These are the programs responsible for managing the computer and the
                  link between the user and the computer.

             ▪ Applications software
                   These are programs that enable the user to perform specific tasks such as
                  word processing, image processing, Internet browsing, and other

           In this session, we will learn more about operating system programs.

      System Software:

                Any program designed specifically to control and
        manage computer hardware is called system software. It
        usually consists of a set of programs that handle the
        technical details of computer operations. It basically
        runs in the background by the user

                The operating system is one of the most common
        system programs, and it controls and manages the
        entire computer system, tablet, or smartphone. Another
        example of system software is a driver device that
        controls the operation of a specific device, such as a
        printer driver.

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