Page 16 - IT-En-V3
P. 16

• Input units
• Output units
• Storage device


            It is the metal box that contains almost all
of the computer's basic components. This unit often
consists of the following:

                                                          UNIT SYSTEM

Power Supply

It is the unit for supplying the necessary electrical
current to the computer parts with the required
voltage and amperage, each according to its need.

                                                                       power supply


     The most important part of the
computer, it is an electronic board that
has many slots and holds most of the
components of the system unit, such as
the processor, memories, and cards to
connect other physical devices (input and
output units).

                                           MOTHER BOARD

9 Training unit in the field of technological information - at the Supreme Council of Universities © Intellectual property rights 2024
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