Page 20 - IT-En-V3
P. 20

Before learning about the types of memory, we learn together about the units of
        memory measurement.
        Memory measurement units:

              Information is stored and processed in the computer in the form of bits. A bit
        is the smallest unit that carries or transmits information. Thus, the term bit
        expresses numbers in the binary number system, and it is the basic unit of the
        amount of information in computers and digital communications. This unit can
        only have one of two values and is therefore physically implemented in a two-
        state machine.

              A bit is one bit of a binary number system and has only two possibilities (or
        two positions). Either the bit is 0 or 1 .
        1 byte equals 8 bits, 1,024 bytes equals 1 kilobyte.
          Please refer to the table below for all memory measurement units.

                                                                bit 0 or 1
                                                                Byte equals 8 bit

                                                                         Kilobyte Kb equals 1024 Byte
                                                                             Megabyte Mb equals 1024 Kilobyte
                                                                      Gigabye Gb equals 1024 Megabyte
                                                                      Terabye TB equals 1024 Gigabye
                                                                      Petabyte PB equals 1024 Terabye
                                                                      Exabyte EB equals 1024 Petabyte
                                                                      Zettabyte ZB equals 1024 Exabyte
                                                                      YottaByte YB equals 1024 Zettabyte

13 Training unit in the field of technological information - at the Supreme Council of Universities © Intellectual property rights 2024
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