Page 13 - IT-En-V3
P. 13

It is the development of Information Technology that has made it possible to
        transmit news and details of events in real time from one farthest part of the
        world to the other, due to the speeds of data and information exchange.
        Information technology and its backbone, the “computer,” has penetrated in its
        various forms and sizes. We say that it has penetrated all aspects of human life.
        Has it You now see a person walking on the streets or appearing anywhere
        without a “mobile phone” or what is currently called smart phones, which is a
        complete and integrated computer in the smallest possible form. Information
        technology companies are currently being creative in seeking to reduce the units
        and components of the computer to the smallest possible size to enable humans
        to easily carry and use.

        To simplify the concept of information technology, it is “all the operations that
        the computer and its various accessories carry out in general.” In this regard, it
        must be noted that communications technology is included in information
        technology because it is concerned with linking computers to each other, whether
        near or remotely.

        Information technology has penetrated the lives of all human beings, and you find
        only a few doing work that has no relationship at any stage with computers. All
        the modern terms that we hear now are derived from the use of information
        technology. Terms such as: digital transformation - artificial intelligence -
        cybersecurity - Big Data - Internet of Things.

        With the emergence of the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which is based
        on the digital revolution and the knowledge economy, which witnessed a boom in
        information technology, artificial intelligence, and cloud computing. Using this
        technology, it was possible to produce self-driving cars and drones.

        The Egyptian Constitution included in its Article No. (25) the text: “The state is
        committed to developing a comprehensive plan to eliminate alphabetical and
        digital illiteracy among citizens of all ages and is committed to developing
        mechanisms for its implementation with the participation of civil society
        institutions, according to a specific time plan.”

6 Training unit in the field of technological information - at the Supreme Council of Universities © Intellectual property rights 2024
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