Page 38 - Excle-En-V3
P. 38

4.2 - Select one row, one column or more:

To select an entire column, click on the column header

To select an entire row, click on the row number

To select the worksheet, click the triangle next to cell A1 or CTRL+A

To select adjacent columns or rows, click SHIFT and select the range of columns or


To select non-adjacent columns or rows, click CTRL and select the range of columns

or rows

To select range  CTRL+SHIFT+END

To select row in range CTRL+SHIFT+

To select row in range CTRL+SHIFT+

                                                  Figure 34: Select coloumns/rows

                                                                                       4. 3 - Select
       a table or list

            There are several ways to select a table or list within the Excel window –for
       example, if we want to select the table that begins with cell A1 and ends with cell
       C4, we can follow one of the following methods:
    1- Select a cell within the table, then click on Ctrl + A
    2- Select cell ‘A1’ and then click the Shift key with cell ‘C4’

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