Page 42 - Excle-En-V3
P. 42

Table 1 mouse cursors in the workspace and their functions

mouse    Place of               Function
cursors  appearance
                                           To select a cell or group of
                                       scattered cells by clicking the Ctrl key
                                       and successively by clicking the Shift

                                    To move the content of a cell to
                                another cell by dragging and dropping

                                    Automatic fill (copy - Serial - fill
                                without formatting - fill with
                                formatting only - Flash fill)

                                Select an entire column or row

                                    Change column width, row height,
                                or fit content by double clicking

5- Columns and Rows:

    A worksheet consists of columns and rows. Columns are identified by letters (A,
B, etc…), while rows are identified by numbers (1, 2, etc…). Cells are produced from
the intersection of rows and columns.

  5.1 - Modify column width / row height:

1-To modify the column width:

Right click on the column name  select (column width)                                                                      specify a value
and click OK

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