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data security maintenance, applications protection, and isolation
                   between users.

                   After this period, specifically in 1967, a type of network called
                   ARPANET, which was developed under the guidance of the United
                   States Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), emerged. It was
                   considered as the basis of the Internet, as the next two years of this
                   emergence witnessed the success of the linking process of four
                   university computers to enable them communicating and sharing
                   resources. To achieve that, an idea that was novel in those days,
                   was applied. The concept behind the idea was the possibility of
                   sending small units of information known as packets. These packets
                   in turn can take different routes within a network of devices
                   connected until finally reaching the desired destination. At the
                   destination, these packets are grouped, and the information sent
                   through them is reconfigured. Then, a related development which
                   was one of the most famous network protocols, TCP/IP protocol, in
                   the seventies led to the ability to expand the size of networks used
                   to communicate between devices in an organized manner that is
                   now known as the network of networks.

                   But this was not the only achievement in the seventies of the last
                   century, as this period also witnessed the emergence of new and
                   unique technology known as virtualization software. This
                   technology was considered as an important catalyst in the
                   development of the field of communications and information. The
                   idea of these programs was to provide the possibility of executing
                   and operating one or more operating systems at the same time and
                   in isolation from each other in the same device. In other words,
                   these programs have enabled the ability to run more than one
                   entire device (by default) within a single physical device using
                   different operating systems. It is worth mentioning here that this
                   technology developed the idea of sharing supercomputers
                   (mainframes) to allow many different computer environments to
                   exist and work in a single physical environment. This achievement
                   was followed in 1990 by the opportunity for telecom company
                   users to share the physical infrastructure of their devices by
                   providing virtual private network connections.

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