Page 22 - IT-En-V3
P. 22

               It is an electronic memory specific to the processor and

        is usually located near the central processing unit (CPU), or
        on the CPU chip itself. It is similar to RAM, but smaller and
        much faster than it. The processor uses it to store some
        special data that it needs repeatedly, for easy reference. Very
        quickly and to reduce the average time required to reach the

        Cache memory is called (cache), from the French verb (cacher), which means
        hidden. The reason is that access to this memory is not always open to
        applications and programs. Rather, the processor places the information itself in
        the cache memory.

        3. Read-only memory )ROM(
        It is an electronic memory and contains information placed by the manufacturer
        of the device (or motherboard). This information is useful in the initial operation
        of the device and performing some other necessary

               It is called read-only memory, and it is a type of
        memory that can only be read from, in order to
        preserve the program stored on it by the
        manufacturer, in order to protect it from being
        written to so that it is not damaged.

                  It is the BIOS program, which is an abbreviation for the term Basic Input
        Output System, which means the system. Or the basic program for entering and
        exiting information, and this program is responsible for the basics of the
        computer’s operation, and it contains all the programming commands that the
        computer needs during the operation and booting process, and the information
        that is found on this memory is permanent and non-volatile information, even
        when the power is disconnected from it.

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