Page 115 - IT-En-V3
P. 115

Ways to prevent malware

      • Do not open any file attached to a message from an unknown person, even if it
        appears to be a text or image file, because the name of the malicious file can
        be manipulated to appear as a text or image file, etc.

      • Do not open any file attached to a message from a known person unless you
        expect that file, and if you think that the file is not valid, you can check with
        your friend by calling him and inquiring from him.

      • Do not store any strange file, whether via e-mail, speech programs, or from
        suspicious sites...etc.

      • Scan any file before storing it on your device, whether from a storage medium,
        email, messaging programs or websites, with an anti-virus program to verify its

      • Make a backup copy of your files periodically and store them on a storage
        medium outside your device.

      • Do not use torrenting (P2P) file sharing programs as much as possible.

      • Update your system and programs (Internet browser, email programs, etc.) to
        avoid discovered security vulnerabilities.

      • Do not trust strangers in messaging programs and be wary even of friends if
        you receive any file.

      • Do not dispense with using firewall software to block unsafe ports and reduce
        risks to your device.

      • Having a free antivirus is better than having no antivirus at all. Examples of free
        antiviruses include AVG, Avast!, Avira Free AntiVirus... and others.

      • To check the links, use the website

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