Page 98 - Excle-En-V3
P. 98

19 - Functions and Formulas

       19.1 - The Difference between Relative and Absolute Cell References
            There are two types of cell references: relative and absolute.
                 A cell reference is the address that points to a cell, consisting of a Latin letter
            indicating the column address and a number indicating the row address. You can
            find the cell reference on the far left next to the formula bar.
                 Note that the cell reference points to cell B2, which is the selected cell where
            Excel will enter the data. This reference can be changed from a relative reference
            to an absolute reference.
                 Using a cell reference allows you to use data from any area on the worksheet,
            as well as use the data of a single cell in multiple mathematical formulas. Using
            a cell reference instead of dealing with the cell value in the formula makes the
            formula update its result automatically when the cell value is updated.

            Relative References: All cell references are relative by default, and when copied
       across multiple cells, they change based on the relative position of columns and rows.
       They are convenient and easy when there is repetition in calculations across multiple
       columns or rows. The relative cell reference informs Excel that there is another cell
       relative to the cell containing the formula. This is why the formula cell reference
       changes when dragged for automatic filling to execute the formula on multiple cells.

            Absolute References: Absolute references do not change when copied or filled;
       they are used to keep a row or column constant. An absolute cell reference informs
       Excel of the cell's specific location on the worksheet, and in this case, the absolute
       cell reference remains constant during the drag-and-fill operation to repeat the
       execution of a mathematical equation on multiple cells.

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