The royal decree issued by King Farouk I of Egypt established the Supreme Council of Egyptian Universities after reviewing Law No. 42 of 1927.
The royal decree with Law No. (496) of 1950 was issued, which established the Supreme Council of Egyptian Universities under the presidency of the Minister of Public Education. Its purpose was to coordinate among universities regarding studies, examinations, academic degrees, the establishment of chairs, the equivalence of foreign certificates, academic promotions, and other related matters.
Then, the Presidential Decree Law No. (508) of 1954 was issued to establish the Supreme Council of Universities, composed of members who are all academic staff (university presidents, vice-presidents, a member from each university chosen by its council, as well as three experts in higher education matters).
The Supreme Council of Universities held its first session on October 2, 1954, including the Universities of Cairo, Alexandria, and Ain Shams, and was chaired by Professor Mohamed Kamel Morsi, President of Cairo University.
The Supreme Council of Universities was reorganized through several successive laws: Law No. 345 of 1956, followed by Presidential Decree No. 184 of 1958 and subsequent regulatory laws.
To support the autonomy of Egyptian universities and address all their related issues, Law No. 49 of 1972 was issued to regulate universities. Its Article 12 stated that universities should have a Supreme Council called the Supreme Council of Universities, headquartered in Cairo, responsible for planning the general policy for university organization and scientific research, and coordinating between universities in various aspects of their activities, and the Egyptian universities to which this law applies.
Article 18 of the University Organization Law was later amended by Law No. 142 of 1994 to state the following: The Supreme Council is chaired by the Minister of Higher Education and includes:
Since its establishment in 1954, the council has held approximately 721 meetings up to November 2021, during which various university-related topics and issues have been discussed. It has also contributed opinions on various national issues as an active national institution.
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