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Faculty Promotion Committees

Faculty Promotion Committees

The development of higher education is one of the essential priorities that Egypt has focused on by preparing and nurturing its human resources to contribute to comprehensive national development. This effort aims to keep pace with modern advancements and address new global challenges. Given the crucial role played by scientific committees in the educational and research processes at universities, and their significant contribution to the development of higher education at all levels, the Universities Organization Law No. (49) of 1972, in Article 73, stipulates that scientific committees shall review the scientific output of candidates for the positions of assistant professors and professors, or for obtaining their academic titles. These committees are formed for a term of three years by a decision of the Minister of Higher Education after consulting the university councils and obtaining the approval of the Supreme Council of Universities.


  1. Enhancing the Level of Scientific Research: This involves raising the level of scientific research and its applications that directly contribute to development plans and community service.
  2. Improving Academic and Research Competence: This aims to enhance the academic, research, and national efficiency of faculty members in response to the mechanisms of fair scientific competition, as one of the guarantees of quality in higher education institutions.
  3. Evaluating Faculty Performance: The evaluation of faculty members is based on their overall scientific and research activities, teaching, participation in student activities, and community service, according to the academic standards set by the university.
  4. Establishing a System for Selecting Evaluators and Committee Members: This system is designed to create an appropriate environment that ensures the neutrality, objectivity, and efficiency of the scientific committees and evaluators.
  5. Standardizing Evaluation Levels: The work of the committees and evaluators is subject to a general framework that emphasizes the standardization of evaluation levels and the application of comprehensive quality standards in education.

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