• 00235716347 / 00235738583
  • scu@scu.eg
  • العربية

About EKSC

About EKSC

About EKSC

About the Center

As part of the Higher Education System projects in Egyptian universities and educational institutions aimed at enhancing the educational process and monitoring academic affairs at all levels, several central projects have been implemented to develop the information infrastructure for higher education. This has resulted in the establishment of several units under the Secretariat of the Supreme Council of Universities to manage and provide electronic and knowledge services to the higher education community, in addition to the Egyptian Universities Network, which was established in 1987 to facilitate network connectivity among Egyptian universities.

To further enhance the educational and informational process within the higher education community, the Center for Electronic and Knowledge Services was established under the Secretariat of the Supreme Council of Universities to oversee these units and achieve various objectives, including but not limited to:

  • Developing and supervising the implementation of IT strategies in higher education institutions.
  • Providing integrated information infrastructure services to support higher education institutions.
  • Monitoring and evaluating the services provided to higher education institutions to ensure they meet global quality standards through the affiliated units, which are:
    • Egyptian Universities Network
    • Digital Libraries Unit
    • National Center for e-Learning
    • IT Training Unit
    • Administrative Information Systems and Decision Support Unit
    • Scientific Equipment and Laboratories Bank Unit
    • Electronic Exams Unit
  • Each public university has a corresponding unit, with regular communication and coordination through the holding of various executive committees for the units.
  • Connecting with other state entities and collaborating in information exchange through e-Government applications and other means.
  • Establishing communication and collaboration with international higher education and research organizations.

The center is involved in setting the strategic plans for informatics and supervising their implementation in higher education institutions funded by different funding sources, including grants, loans approved by the state, or other governmental funding sources, in accordance with the strategic plan approved by the Ministry of Higher Education. It also prepares necessary studies for development policies as assigned by the Ministry of Higher Education. The Board of Directors of the Center for Electronic and Knowledge Services is the supreme authority governing it, managing its technical, financial, and administrative affairs. The Executive Director manages the center's affairs in accordance with the rules and directives set by the Board to achieve the center's objectives.


To provide comprehensive, continuous, and advanced electronic services through a strong information infrastructure to support higher education institutions, connect with relevant state institutions, and maintain ongoing cooperation with similar centers at the international level.


To offer inclusive, stable, and continuously evolving electronic services to the higher education community, while providing necessary information, statistical data, and reports to support the higher education system and integrate with relevant state institutions, with a focus on collaboration with similar centers globally.

Supreme Council of Universities

تحذير هام للطلاب وأولياء الأمور – الكيانات الوهمية

عدد التحميلات : 2322

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    Other Units

    E-Exams Unit
    National Bank of Scientific Labs and Equipment
    MIS and DS Unit
    Digital Libraries Unit
    Central Training Unit
    National Center for E-Learning
    Egyptian Universities Network

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