• 00235716347 / 00235738583
  • scu@scu.eg
  • العربية

General Administration of Student Affairs

General Administration of Student Affairs

General Administration of Student Affairs

**Overview of the Administration**

The Supreme Council of Universities stands as the leading authority in university education in Egypt, coordinating between Egyptian universities and overseeing planning while maintaining academic standards and keeping pace with future developments. This vital role of the Council’s Secretariat is reflected in its provision of data, information, studies, and future insights on various phenomena affecting the university education system in Egypt.

Thus, the Secretariat of the Supreme Council of Universities is the primary reference point for all matters related to higher education in the Arab Republic of Egypt. One of its key roles is to assist the principal planning body for university education policy in Egypt (the Supreme Council of Universities) in carrying out its planning functions according to the Universities Organization Law.

The Secretariat is responsible for implementing the policies and systems established by the Supreme Council of Universities in collaboration with the relevant competent authorities. It directs and coordinates these policies to align with the country’s needs, facilitating the achievement of national, social, economic, and scientific objectives.

The General Administration for Education and Students plays a crucial role in executing the responsibilities and tasks of the Supreme Council of Universities concerning higher education.

The importance of the General Administration for Education and Students lies in resolving issues faced by public universities and their student affairs departments, as well as the student affairs departments in affiliated colleges. Therefore, the General Administration for Education and Students interacts with external entities to implement its policies. These external entities include the Council of Private and National Universities, the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, the Ministry of Education, the University and Institute Admissions Coordination Office, the Central Administration for International Student Affairs, judicial authorities in student-related legal disputes, embassies, and other ministries.


"To build globally competitive students by providing outstanding educational services." The Council’s vision is "higher education that drives human development to contribute effectively to the implementation of national economic development plans and the application of modern technology."


"To enhance communication and educational and service performance in student affairs at universities and their affiliated colleges, producing students who meet the community's needs for innovation, creativity, development, and excellence." The Council’s mission is "to work towards university independence by preparing distinguished graduates capable of competing in the global job market, achieving a link between higher education and community needs, and developing and modernizing university performance through performance evaluation methods and quality assurance. It aims to achieve a knowledge society and encourage innovation and creativity within a framework of scientific competition based on excellence."

**The General Administration for Education and Students consists of:**

1. **Department of University, Institute, Ministry, and Authority Affairs**

   - Responsible for solving problems faced by Egyptian universities and institutes and responding to inquiries from ministries and authorities. It includes:

     - University and Institute Affairs Section

     - Ministry and Authority Affairs Section

2. **Department of Admissions and Coordination**

   - Responsible for addressing issues related to the Admissions Coordination Office and problems hindering student admission to Egyptian universities from Egyptian certificates and equivalent Arab and foreign certificates. It includes:

     - Non-Higher Equivalence Certificates Section

     - Egyptian Certificates Section

1- Student Activities Registration Platform for Egyptian Public Universities. Click here

2- Apply for Technical Diplomas and Institutes Examinations for the Faculty of Engineering for the Academic Year 2024/2023. Click here

3- Apply for Technical Diplomas and Institutes Examinations for the Faculty of Commerce for the Academic Year 2024/2023. Click here

4- Apply for Technical Diplomas and Institutes Examinations for the Faculty of Agriculture for the Academic Year 2024/2023. Click here

5- Apply for Technical Institutes Examinations for the Faculty of Law for the Academic Year 2024/2023. Click here

6- Public Feedback Survey to Improve the Services Provided by the Administration. Click here

The General Administration and its affiliated departments undertake various tasks, including but not limited to:

  1. Responding to universities' and colleges' inquiries regarding student issues, providing solutions, and facilitating their resolution.
  2. Establishing conditions and regulations for admitting students with various secondary certificates from within Egypt and abroad to Egyptian public universities.
  3. Responding to legal claims from students filed against the Council and its departments.
  4. Organizing and supervising the unified and central examination process for accepting holders of technical certificates in some colleges and public universities.
  5. Coordinating with the Coordination Department to address issues that arise during the student admission process at different stages.
  6. Supervising aptitude tests conducted in some colleges for students with different secondary certificates eligible for admission.
  7. Responding to inquiries from students and their families regarding student issues at universities and directing them to the relevant specialties departments.
  8. Responding to inquiries from various entities (Members of Parliament, Private Universities Council, General Administration of International Students Affairs).
  9. Preparing sessions on education and student affairs, including document preparations and responses related to the points to be discussed in these sessions.
  10. Coordinating with inviting entities to arrange and test necessary tools, whether for in-person or remote meetings.

Supreme Council of Universities

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عدد التحميلات : 10559

Fill out the form to contact us; we are always happy to hear from you.


    Supreme Council of Universities

    University of Cairo Campus

    Giza, Egypt, Postal Code 12613

    First Floor - Department of Education and Student Affairs




    +202 35716348

    +202 35738583

    **Internal Extension:**

    501 - 238

    Other Administrations

    General Administration of Finance & Contracts
    General Administration of Cultural Relations
    General Administration of Educational Sectors
    General Administration for Degree Equivalency
    General Administration of Faculty Affairs

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