• 35716348 (202+) / 35738583 (202+)
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E-Exams Unit

E-Exams Unit

E-Exams Unit

About the Unit

The Electronic Exam Unit was established under the umbrella of the Center for Electronic and Knowledge Services during a session of the Supreme Council of Universities held on April 18, 2020.


To excel and lead in the systems and mechanisms of student assessment and testing at local, regional, and global levels.


To design, develop, and implement clear, advanced, and objective policies, systems, and mechanisms for student assessment and testing that meet national and international quality and accreditation standards. This includes ongoing awareness about the importance of electronic testing and conducting trial tests using the system to prepare students for mid-term and final exams with ease and efficiency.


  1. Supervise Electronic Exam Units: Oversee the electronic testing units at universities.
  2. Manage Electronic Exam Automation Project: Supervise the implementation of the electronic testing automation project, with the first priority for the medical sector and the second priority for all university faculties, in collaboration with electronic testing centers at universities.
  3. Prepare and Submit Reports: Prepare and submit reports on the progress of the electronic testing automation project and the status of automated academic tests at universities to the Supreme Council of Universities.
  4. Facilitate Electronic Exam: Execute any other tasks related to facilitating the implementation of electronic exam.

Not yet.

1. Continuous Training for Faculty Members:

    • Test Design: Training on how to prepare test items and develop question banks that meet educational quality standards.
    • Electronic Test Upload: Guidance on how to upload electronic tests onto the system.


2. Online Workshops for Technical Support Teams:

    • Technical Support Training: Conducting online workshops for the technical support teams at electronic testing centers in universities.
    • Training Content Access: For faculty members who are unable to attend training sessions online, the following links provide access to training content provided by MKCL:
    • Training Content for Faculty Members 1
    • Training Content for Faculty Members 2


These resources are designed to support faculty members in effectively using the electronic testing system and ensuring high-quality test preparation and management.

Fill out the form to contact us; we are always happy to hear from you.

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