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National Bank of Scientific Labs and Equipment

National Bank of Scientific Labs and Equipment

National Bank of Scientific Labs and Equipment

About the Unit

The National Bank for Scientific Laboratories and Equipment was established by a decision from the Supreme Council of Universities on December 15, 2014. It operates as a new entity under the Center for Electronic and Knowledge Services of the Supreme Council of Universities. A committee was formed, chaired by Professor Tariq Shawky, Vice President of Beni Suef University for Postgraduate Studies and Research, and included specialists from the Center for Electronic and Knowledge Services, as well as a professor from each Egyptian university, to create the National Bank for Scientific Laboratories and Equipment in Egyptian universities.

Objectives of the Unit

  1. Database Creation: Build a database of scientific laboratories and equipment available in Egyptian universities.
  2. Equipment Access: Provide access to equipment for researchers in Egyptian universities and the external community.
  3. Encourage Research Teams: Promote the formation and work of research teams.
  4. Optimal Use: Ensure optimal use of equipment by training technical staff in laboratories.
  5. Prudent Use: Manage equipment usage effectively at both university and national levels.
  6. Reduce Duplication: Rationalize equipment imports and prevent duplication, especially for high-cost equipment.
  7. Centralized Maintenance: Establish central maintenance centers and prepare the necessary technical staff for their operation.
  8. Future Expansion: Expand the bank to include various research centers in Egypt.
  9. Local and International Expansion: Expand the bank at local, regional, and international levels through integration with local and international entities.
  10. Economic Operation: Operate equipment on an economic basis to serve practical entities within and outside the country.

The Supreme Council of Universities also approved on February 28, 2015, the creation of units in each university named "Scientific Laboratories and Equipment Unit." These units serve as links between the National Bank for Scientific Laboratories and Equipment and the Egyptian universities. Accordingly, these units were established and activated in Egyptian universities, and directors were appointed to achieve the following goals:

  1. Data Registration: Oversee the registration of data for laboratories and scientific equipment at the university in the National Bank's database.
  2. Data Updating: Regularly update the data on laboratories and scientific equipment at the university.
  3. Awareness: Introduce the National Bank for Scientific Laboratories and Equipment to researchers, postgraduate students, and the external community.
  4. Rationalize Purchases: Prevent duplication in the purchase of equipment, especially high-cost items.
  5. Technical Training: Train technical staff on the equipment available in university laboratories.
  6. Bidding and Requirements: Participate in preparing bids and specifying equipment requirements.
  7. Technical Specifications: Approve the technical specifications of equipment needed by universities.
  8. Maintenance Oversight: Oversee maintenance operations.
  9. Training Programs: Propose and approve training programs.


The National Bank for Scientific Laboratories and Equipment aims to support scientific research and encourage collaboration among researchers by providing information on scientific equipment available in university laboratories and research centers, making it accessible to researchers to advance scientific research and serve the community.


To act as a center of expertise facilitating and guiding the operations of scientific equipment in Egyptian universities, including purchasing, maintaining, and regularly updating data on such equipment.

The Supreme Council of Universities, chaired by Prof. Dr. Ayman Ashour, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, officially launched the new website for the National Laboratory and Scientific Equipment Bank (www.nbsle.scu.eg) on Saturday, December 24, 2022.

The website allows Egyptian universities to register and update information about their laboratories and scientific equipment. It also provides the option to add services and fees for the use of these devices.

The site features a dashboard with the capability to generate statistical reports for decision-makers. Additionally, researchers and postgraduate students can browse and search for scientific equipment, view its specifications, and locate its presence across Egyptian universities, including the responsible faculty member associated with each laboratory.

Not yet.

Fill out the form to contact us; we are always happy to hear from you.

    Address: Supreme Council of Universities,
    Cairo University Campus,
    Giza, Egypt, 12613
    Third Floor - National Bank for Scientific Laboratories and Equipment Unit

    Email: nbsle@scu.eg


    +202 35716348
    +202 35738583

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