• 00235716347 / 00235738583
  • scu@scu.eg
  • العربية

Digital Libraries Unit

Digital Libraries Unit

Digital Libraries Unit

About the Unit

The Digital Libraries Unit was established in 2007 to serve as the umbrella for the Egyptian Universities Libraries Consortium (EULC). The consortium was initially aimed at providing global digital information resources from leading publishers worldwide to benefit researchers and faculty members at Egyptian universities, addressing the gaps faced by university libraries in acquiring these resources. Subsequently, the consortium's role evolved to enhance library services through the development of various projects, including the Future System, an automated system for managing Egyptian university libraries, in collaboration with the Mansoura Center for Communications and Information Technology. This system has facilitated numerous valuable projects benefiting the academic community, such as creating a unified catalog for Egyptian university libraries, a digital repository for academic theses, electronic publishing of university journals, and indexing of journals issued by Egyptian universities. These projects have significantly improved the quality of services provided by these libraries.

Due to the expertise and knowledge of the Digital Libraries Unit at the Supreme Council of Universities and its affiliated university units, it has been entrusted with additional tasks to serve faculty members and committees of the Supreme Council of Universities, including permanent promotion committees for professor and assistant professor ranks, the Cultural Relations Committee, and the Equivalency Committee.


To support higher education and scientific research in Egypt by providing comprehensive services and information resources that enhance educational and research activities at Egyptian universities, aligning with the requirements of the digital environment and the sustainable development plan for Egypt 2030.


To achieve cooperation among higher education information institutions by standardizing library policies and providing a unified channel for delivering all informational services to the higher education and scientific research community.


  1. Knowledge Support: Provide support to all committees affiliated with the Supreme Council of Universities.
  2. Service Development: Enhance the information services offered to all members of the academic community at Egyptian universities.
  3. Optimal Access: Support optimal access to local and international information resources.
  4. System Development: Continuously develop all automated systems used to provide information services and resources.
  5. Performance Monitoring: Monitor the quality of performance of personnel working with systems and programs used to deliver information services at universities.
  6. Training Programs: Offer comprehensive training programs for university staff to ensure the best information services.

  • Preparation of Impact Factor Reports for Promotion to Professor and Associate Professor
    Click here
    Service Fee: EGP 200 + EGP 2 administrative stamp duty on the total report value

  • Search for Evaluation of Egyptian and Local Journals
    Click here
  • Preservation and Access to Approved University Theses in Egyptian Universities through the Digital Repository of Academic Theses
    Click here
  • Search in the Unified Index of Egyptian University Libraries
    Click here
  • Search in Global Indexes through the Egyptian University Libraries Portal
    Click here
  • Electronic Publishing of Journals Issued by Egyptian Universities
    Click here

Services Provided by the Unit

  1. Evaluation of Research for Engineering and Technological Institutes
    • Service Fee: 100 EGP per research paper for Impact Factor Report / 150 EGP per research paper for Citation Analysis Report
    • Additional Fee: 2 EGP development fee on the total value of the report
  1. Evaluation of Research for State Awards Applicants
    • Service Fee: 200 EGP per research paper for Impact Factor Report / 150 EGP per research paper for Citation Analysis Report
    • Additional Fee: 2 EGP development fee on the total value of the report
  1. Certified Statement for Hirsch Index (H-Index)
    • Service Fee: 100 EGP
    • Additional Fee: 2 EGP development fee on the total value of the report
  1. Providing Lists of International Specialized Journals in Scientific Fields of the Researcher
    • Service Fee: 200 EGP
    • Additional Fee: 2 EGP development fee on the total value of the report
  1. Integration of Researcher Names into the Scopus Database

    • Service Fee: 200 EGP
    • Additional Fee: 2 EGP development fee on the total value of the report
Supreme Council of Universities

كيف تتجنب النشر في المجلات المفترسة والمزيفة؟

عدد التحميلات : 1473
Supreme Council of Universities

تقرير الأداء البحثي في مصر 2013-2022

عدد التحميلات : 9371
Supreme Council of Universities

قوائم المجلات المتخصصة

عدد التحميلات : 9532
Supreme Council of Universities

نموذج توحيد صياغات أسماء الباحثين

عدد التحميلات : 15720
Supreme Council of Universities

استمارة طلب الحصول على مؤشر h_index

عدد التحميلات : 12003
Supreme Council of Universities

استمارة التقدم للحصول على خدمات المكتبات الرقمية

عدد التحميلات : 9551
Supreme Council of Universities

خدمات معلومات هامة

عدد التحميلات : 9403
Supreme Council of Universities

قواعد الدورة الرابعة عشر

عدد التحميلات : 45475

Fill out the form to contact us; we are always happy to hear from you.


    Supreme Council of Universities,
    Cairo University Campus,
    Giza, Egypt, Postal Code 12613
    Third Floor - Digital Libraries Unit


    +202 35716348
    +202 35738583

    Internal Extension:


    Other Units

    About EKSC
    E-Exams Unit
    National Bank of Scientific Labs and Equipment
    MIS and DS Unit
    Central Training Unit
    National Center for E-Learning
    Egyptian Universities Network

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