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Smartphones Operating Systems

The operating system is a system that runs smartphones, tablets, and computers. It is
a set of programs on which the electronic device depends. The operating system acts
as a platform that allows applications to interact with smartphone components such
as the touch screen, mobile phone networks, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, GPS, and others. There
are several operating systems for smartphones, the most important of which are: -

• Android: A free and open source

operating system based on the Linux

kernel and is designed primarily for

devices with touch screens such as

smartphones and tablets, the Android

system was developed by Google, The

Android user interface relies primarily on

direct interaction with touch gestures,

such as tapping, pressing, and pinching of

fingers in order to manipulate objects on

the screen., the system provides Virtual

keyboard for text input. Google has

developed touch devices as well as Android TV  Figure 10: Android
devices for TVs, Android Auto for cars, and

Android Ware for wristwatches. Also used on laptops, game consoles, digital

cameras, and other electronic devices, Android has the largest installation base

of all operating systems of any type. It is the best-selling operating system on

tablets since 2013, and on smartphones it is dominant by any standard. The

system provides a Google Play application store that contains thousands of

applications for various functions and operations, the Android system is

characterized by its widespread among various smart devices and the strength

and diversity of its applications, The latest version of Android, No. 13, is currently


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