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Then the circle of the site expanded to include any college student, then high school
    students, and finally anyone aged 13 and over, this site currently has more than one
    billion users globally. There has been a lot of controversy around Facebook over the
    past few years.
    There has been a lot of controversy around Facebook over the past few years, the use
    of the site has been banned in many countries during varying periods, such as in Syria
    and Iran, the use of the site has also been banned in many workplaces to discourage
    employees from wasting their time using that service, and there is criticism directed at
    Facebook, such as concerns about maintaining privacy, and it is considered one of the
    problems faced by site visitors

    The origin and history of Facebook:

    Facebook was launched as an unexpected product of Harvard University's
    (Facematch), a site of the type Hot or Not depends on publishing pictures of a group
    of people and then choosing the site's visitors for the most attractive person Mark
    Zuckerberg created Face Match on October 28, 2003 when he was attending Harvard
    University as a second-year student in the meantime.
    According to Harvard Crimson, (FaceMatch) "used collages from the online photo
    directory of nine university students with two photos next to each other and inviting
    users to choose the 'most attractive' person." In order to create the site, Zuckerberg
    hacked into protected areas of Harvard's computer network and copied photos of
    students in the dormitory.
    Facebook OS:
    Facebook launched the Facebook Platform operating system on May 24, 2007 and
    relied on providing a framework for software developers in order to create applications
    that can interact with Facebook's main features, and a programming language that
    uses markup tags called Facebook Markup Language was introduced at the same time
    and this language is used in order to customize the overall shape of the applications
    that developers create.

                                                                                                     Figure 46: Facebook
                                                                                                    Application Interface -
                                                                                                    Create a new account

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