Page 38 - Database-En-V3
P. 38

Tab Bar: It was found that this tab bar is completely linked to the groups
bar, and it is obvious that the groups differ when you choose another tab
from the tab bar. It also has your SkyDrive user name on the right, and
you can change the components of the tab bar through the Options menu,
as we will explain.

It consists of the following tabs:

   • File Tab

Basic commands that were available in previous versions of Microsoft
Office appear to open, save, close, prepare, and work with a file, such as:

)Info – New- Open - Save - Save as - Print - Close – Account - Options –Add-Ins(

  Info   In it you will find information about the database you are working on,
         and through it you can give permissions to users, encrypt it, and
  New    compress it
  Save   It is used to open a new database
Save as  To open a pre-existing database
  Print  Save the database
 Close   Save the database with another new name
Account  It enables you to print database components, choose the type of printer,
         and specify the number of copies to print
Options  Close the database without the program
         It is to prepare the SkyDrive login subscription and also to obtain the
Add-Ins  program, through some clarifications from the producing company
         Through it, it is possible to control the form and data of the program
         screen through the options in it, such as specifying the default size of the
         text field, the default size of the number field, the default folder in which
         the new databases are saved, or changing the display and proofing
         language, and other options, as shown in the following figure. .
         A new addition, including the file can be sent via Bluetooth to any other
         device if your device has Bluetooth

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