Page 107 - IT-En-V3
P. 107

Cortana help
     Communication processes, sending messages and organizing

     Cortana voice system can help you make calls and send text messages

     Through the personal assistant Cortana, once you know your interests, you can
     view relevant topics and developments on the web page in the field of health,
     weather, news, and other topics.

     Through the personal assistant Cortana, you can remind you of your
     appointments at the appropriate time and place

     Cortana You can start talking to Cortana as if you were talking to a friend or any
     other person normally and comfortably. Cortana is trying to understand what you
     are saying.

     Accessory Applications and how to deal with


     This application explains the provision of time-related services in several forms,
     the most important of which are:

        1- The world time clock so that the application enables you to distinguish the
            local time of the city. Create a constant in the window settings when you set
            your own time zone set. For example, when you load your window, you will
            choose (UTC+2:00) the Cairo time zone and it will appear in the local time.
            It appears that adding other cities or changing the region in your time period
            will reflect the result in the local average.

        2- Stopwatch: The application enables you to calculate the amount of time
            spent performing a special task. For example, if you want to calculate the
            time spent performing your exercises or the period of time that has passed
            since you read a chapter of a particular book, then through this part of In the
            application, you can start calculating by clicking on the “Start” option, and
            the clock starts counting from zero until you click on the “Stop” option when
            the task is finished, so the time that appears in front of you will be the time
            spent on carrying out this task, and also in the event of a competition related
            to time, such as running races and the like. .

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