Page 150 - Excle-En-V3
P. 150

In front of 'student’s status' field, use the function below:
             =IFNA(VLOOKUP(C7,history!A3:G6,6,0),"Not found")
                The IFNA function states that it gives us the words “Not Found,” when you
           type the name of a student that does not exist in the students' data record that
           you entered. As for the VLOOKUP function, it searches for a specific value (which
           is typed in cell C7) and recalls its data from column No. 6 (Students' Status) located
           in the “History” worksheet. [5].
              In front of the “Student Grade” field, use the following function:
                Here, the MATCH function searches for a specific value (which is typed in cell
           C7) and recalls its order in column A (which contains the students’ names) in the
           “History” worksheet. [5]
                It is also possible to add a hyperlink key to return back to the main screen of
           our database in the same way that you used before. Here you will link the key to
           the “main” worksheet.
                In the worksheet below, you will make a statistical sheet indicating the total
           number of passed or failed students using the COUNTIF function:

                                           Figure 222: Statistics about total passed or failed students

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