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Tips to get benefits of using RG.

        ResearchGate has been regarded as one of the most attractive academic social
networking sites for scientific community. It has been trying to improve user-centered
interfaces to gain more attractiveness to scientists around the world. Open access publishing
has added more to increased visibility of research work and easy access to information related
to research. Moreover, scientific community has been much interested in promoting their work
and exhibiting its impact to others through reliable measures.

        The RG Score measures scientific reputation based on how your work is received by
your peers. We believe that researchers are the best judges of each other's work and that all a
person's research, published or not, deserves credit. Your RG Score is calculated based on any
contribution you share on RG or add to your profile, such as published articles, unpublished
research, projects, questions, and answers.

        RG score algorithm looks at how your peers receive and evaluate these contributions,
and who they are. The higher the RG Scores of those who interact with your research, the more
your own score will increase. A low-quality contribution probably will not attract positive
feedback and recognition from the community, so it will not contribute to your score in any
significant way. In contrast to more traditional metrics, the RG Score focuses on you, an ever-
growing community of specialists, and puts reputation firmly back into the hands of

To improve your RG Score:

In order to improve your RG score, you may use the following tips:
    1. Share anything from negative results to raw data or full-fledged publications.
    2. Create a project, or add an update to your existing project(s)
    3. Ask a question or give another researcher a helpful answer.
    4. Follow other researchers.
    5. Comment on and recommend your peer's research, projects, and questions.

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