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Open Educational Resources (OER)

        Are learning, teaching and research materials in any format and medium that reside in
 the public domain or are under copyright that have been released under an open license, that
 permit no-cost access, re-use, re-purpose, adaptation, and redistribution by others. (UNESCO)

        Examples of some of the most valuable open educational resources available today:
 • BCcampus OpenEd (Open Textbook Collection)

                 Find free and open textbooks. They are original creations or major adaptations
                 of existing works, funded by and published by BCcampus.
                 • DOER - Directory of Open Educational Resources
                   Gives access to OER collections provided by Commonwealth educational
                   institutions. One of the collections is in the area of Technical and Vocational
                   Skills Development. Service provided by Commonwealth of Learning.

 • MIT OpenCourseWare
                 Browse free and open publication of materials from thousands of MIT
                 (Massachusetts Institute of Technology(Private University, USA)) courses,
                 covering the entire MIT curriculum.

 • Pressbooks Directory
                 Pressbooks Directory provides an index of 5,101 books published .The
                 platform allows access to open textbooks that can be adapted to suit your

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