Page 106 - NetWork-En-V3
P. 106

8. To change the Wi-Fi password, click on "Wireless Security" from the left, then
          choose the WPA/WPA2-Personal system (recommended) as it provides better
          protection. Now, you can change the password and encryption system. Select
          WPA2-PSK from the Version settings to change the password through the
          "Wireless Password" box. After finishing, press the "Save" button at the bottom

      9. To protect the router from hacking and disable the WPS feature, if you want to
          enhance the security and protection of your router device, you should disable the
          WPS settings. Click on "Wireless" from the left, then click on WPS. If you find it
          enabled in the settings, press the "Disable" button to deactivate this feature. This
          will directly disable the WPS setting .

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