Page 57 - Excle-En-V3
P. 57

Time                   This format displays date and time serial numbers
            as time values, depending on the type and locale (location)
            you select. Time formats that begin with an asterisk (*) are
            affected by changes in the regional date and time settings
            in Control Panel, while formats without an asterisk are not
            affected by Control Panel settings.

Percentage             This format multiplies the cell value by 100 and
            displays the result using the percentage symbol (%). You can
            specify the number of decimal places you want to use.

Fraction               This format displays the number as a fraction,
            depending on the fraction type you select.

Text This format treats the content of a cell as text and
                    displays the content exactly as you type it, even when you
                    type numbers.

Spatial                This format displays the number as a postal code,
            phone number, or Social Security number.

Custom                 This format allows modifying a copy of an existing
            number format code. Use this format to create a custom
            number format that gets added to the list of number format
            codes. You can add between 200 and 250 custom number
            formats, depending on the language of the Excel version
            installed on your computer.

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