Page 55 - Excle-En-V3
P. 55

7.4 - Delete cell content:
            Select the cells whose content you want to delete, then click "Delete" on the

       keyboard, so that the values are immediately deleted from the cells.
            7.5- Merge/Unmerge Cells
            Sometimes we need to merge a number of cells into one cell, especially when

       adding a title to the cell data.
            To merge cells, follow these steps:
            - Select the cells to be merged.
            - From the Home tab, choose the Merge & Center tool, as shown in the following


                                                          Figure 66: Merge/unmerge cells

      8. Cell Formatting (Data types and alignment)

            Note (font - frames - protection) is repeated in the section on font formatting
       options) and protection is repeated in the section (protection)

            8.1 Number tab:
            Data types:
            In Excel, there are multiple types of data, each of which has its own uses
       depending on the type of statement, as shown in the following table:

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