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The Egyptian Knowledge Bank

       The Egyptian Knowledge Bank (EKB) is the world’s largest digital library granting
unlimited resources exclusively for Egyptians.
The EKB is an initiative that has been launched by President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi During the
National Science Day of 2014. And through it, the specialized councils of the presidency
started to launch several national projects concerned with educational development.

To register  To sign in
             or register

                             To change

                                      Figure 53: The EKB Portal
       The EKB grants all Egyptians from all ages access to the largest amount of knowledge,
cultural and scientific content whether they are basic, applied, technology, human or
management sciences. It also includes public cultural books that target children and to be used
through computers, smartphones, and tablets around the country.

EKB Services

The EKB has 4 sub-portals: Readers, Academic, Education, and Kids. The EKB is one of the
most sophisticated educational service around the world with an array of tools.

                                       Figure 54: EKB sub-portals

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